String Key Not Found

What does String Key Not Found mean?

This messages indicates that PowerSchool was not able to resolve the localization tag. Instead of a normal word that you read on the screen PowerSchool uses localization tags in their place. When the screen loads the tag is looked up in the database for it's value and that value is displayed. "String key not found" means PowerSchool was not able to find the tag's value.

Why causes it to happen?

Sometimes this happens after a PowerSchool update. We've also seen it happen when schools go from self hosted servers to PowerSchool hosted servers. And the biggest one we see at BrightArrow is when you upgrade a plugin using the "Update" button and there is a new tag. For years the update button didn't know how to add a new tag that was included in an updated version of a plugin. This seems to have been resolved in PowerSchool 22.6, possibly in 21.11 but definitely in 22.6.

Does this mean we can't use the system?

No. The localization tags are just labels. They are a way to allow PowerSchool to deliver the label in the language and phrasing of your choosing. We use them all over so that we can change wording and allow you to change wording if you don't like the label and want something clearer to your users. The functionality of the page is still in tact. Even if the label for the student's grade level doesn't show and instead you see a String key not found message the field itself still works. If a car is not the color you want that doesn't affect if it runs or not, it's just a visual. In our case the String key not found message is the unflattering paint job, you may not like it but the car will perform the same regardless.

How do I correct it?

Correcting it depends on why it's happening. If you see this message all over PowerSchool, not just in BrightArrow pages, then it's a system wide issue. Restarting the server will fix it. It does take about 15 minutes for PowerSchool to come back but once it does the tags should render normally.

If you see this only within BrightArrow pages there is a simpler fix. Go into plugin management and delete the Base 2 plugin and re-install it. Doing so will trigger the tags to be treated as new tags and should resolve the issue.

On rare occasions uninstalling and re-installing does not fix the issue with the custom tags. Try it a couple more times just in case because the next option is more drastic. In very rare circumstances PowerSchool "forgets" how to work with all custom tags and only the stock ones that come with PowerSchool will work. Generally this is only when someone is self hosted and changes to PowerSchool hosting and only if the server wasn't restarted twice. If this is your case restart PowerSchool when it's a convenient time and won't interfere with normal day to day activities. Ideally no one else would be logged in and no teachers would be trying to enter information into the gradebook. If you restart while people are working whatever they hadn't saved at the time the server goes down will be lost so be very careful about this.

Can I restart PowerSchool without being on the server?

Yes as long as you are not in North Carolina. 

  1. Go to Special Functions > Current Users and see how many people are on.
  2. Decide if it’s a good time to restart or not. If not repeat step 1 until it is.
  3. When you are ready to restart navigate to System > System Settings > Reset Server
  4. Check the box for Restart the OLTP tomcat service. This is the PowerSchool service which is the main program.
  5. Click the button Restart selected services now
  6. Wait approximately 15 minutes. This can be longer on servers depending on hardware resources and size of your data.
  7. Log in and make sure the normal text is back

After you begin the restart process it will take a while to come back up. If it seems to come back up almost instantly then the function didn't work and you should submit a ticket to PowerSchool support for assistance.

Why not in North Carolina?

NC had PowerSchool disable the option. Even if you try it the server will not restart, it will only go through the motions. You will need PowerSchool support to restart it for you.

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