Texting links and attachments
Although you can send hyperlinks (blue words that hides the actual webpage URL) via email, no such functionality exists for text messages. Luckily, you can pull the URL out of the hyperlink and send that via texts.
- From My Lists, click on the list name of the list you want to send it to (so you go to that list’s List Details page).
- From List Details, click on New Message.
- In Create Message’s Step 1, unclick Voice, click on Email, and then HTML Email (below the email box).
- In the Email Edit page add your hyperlink (you can also use the Add Attachment option as these steps will also allow you to add attachments to your text message).
- In the Email Edit page, right click on the attachment link and click Edit Link.
- Copy the URL into your clipboard, and hit cancel so you back in Email Edit.
- Copy the URL into your clipboard, and hit cancel so you back in Email Edit.
- In the Email Edit page, click OK so it returns you to the Create Message page.
- In Create Message, in "2. Type your message here..." click on Alternative typed message: Text Message.
- Click on the "==> Copy Now ==>" button so the text message appears on the right.
- Paste the actual link from your clipboard into where it shows the name of the link (in the text message). You may need to label the link in advance if you removed a description link name.
- Click Texting checkbox (at the top) and Send Message Now (at the bottom) will send out the HTML email and text, each with their respective links in the style appropriate for the message type.
By default, we include any attachments in the form of a link to the file, rather than including the file as part of the email (there is a 50MB file size limit). This means that you can send the link as part of a text message to also include files or pictures as part of the text.
- From My Lists, click on the list name of the list you want to send it to (so you go to that list’s List Details page).
- From List Details, click on New Message.
- In Create Message’s Step 1, unclick Voice, click on Email, and then HTML Email (below the email box).
- In the Email Edit page click on Add Attachment.Load in the attachment that you want and click OK.
- Back in the Email Edit page, right click on the attachment link and click Edit Link.
- Copy the URL into your clipboard, and hit cancel so you back in Email Edit.
- Back in Email Edit page, paste in the link from your clipboard to the next line of your email.
- Delete the “link” so it only shows the URL. (If you plan to send an email and text, you can leave the link in.)
- Click OK so it returns you to the Create Message page.
- In Create Message, change Step 1 to choose Texting and not Email. (If sending an email and text, you can select both checkboxes and follow steps 7 and on in the Links instructions at the top of this article to set up the separate email and text messages).
- Edit your text message so it includes the link but the wording fits your requirements.
- Send Message Now and it sends out the text.