How do I set the PDF password

Minimum version: BrightArrow Base 9.2.1

Reports are emailed out as PDF attachments and normally contain some data you probably want to protect. You can password protect the PDFs by sending us the field you wish to use to password protect. In some cases you may want to make it a calculated value which is fine as well. In the past we have had you add the correct field to the export. If you needed to change the field it was a bit of a hassle. Now you can export out a single field and use the setting to change what data is included. While the options are hard coded in we can expand them if necessary. Custom fields will not be allowed for this field, but can still be accommodated by other means.

Getting to the filter settings

  1. Navigate to Settings > BrightArrow Settings
  2. Click on Filters. If doing this from District Office then select the filters in the row corresponding to the district or specific school you wish to alter.
  3. The filter options will slide in. Click on Misc
  4. Misc is a catch all for settings that don't fit anywhere else organized by topic. Find the Report Emailing section

What are the options?

PDF Password: What date should the export be sending data for? Most of the time schools will want to send reminders for the current day's attendance but sometimes, such as during covid, there are reasons to send the previous school day's attendance instead.

  • Default: None
  • Other Options:
    • Student Number
    • Student ID -> The ID field of the student record, different from the student number or student dcid. 
    • State Student Number -> If the field is not filled in then blank will be sent
    • DOB (MM/DD/YYYY) -> DOB field exported as Month/Day/Year
    • DOB (MMDDYYYY) -> DOB field exported as MonthDayYear with no punctuation between the numbers
    • DOB (YYYYMMDD) -> DOB field exported as YearMonthDay with no punctuation between the numbers
    • DOB (YYYY-MM-DD) -> DOB field exported as YearMonthDay with dashes between the numbers
    • Gender + DOB (GMMDDYYYY) -> Students.Gender concatenated with the DOB field in with dob in the format of MonthDayYear with no punctuation

I have a school that wants different settings from the rest of the district

At this time the setting is "district" wide for most setup. If you are on a shared server you will be able to edit this setting for your school compared to other schools on the same server. If it is later deemed necessary to allow district setups to have different PDF passwords between buildings we will look into making that change. As of now the preferred method is to keep the directions simple for parents, the password will be the same between all buildings for all their students rather than one way for child 1 and another for child 2. 

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