How to Change the Fees Filters

Minimum version: BrightArrow Base 2 v9.1.0

When to change the settings?

Mostly used for the end of a school year, you would change this to add time to continue sending messages about fees due to families. If you start entering fees for the following year during the summer this will start reporting on them the N days before the school year starts as well.

PowerQueries that use these filters

  • BrightArrow Fee Summary

Getting to the filter settings

  1. Navigate to Settings > BrightArrow Settings
  2. Click on Filters. If doing this from District Office then select the filters in the row corresponding to the district or specific school you wish to alter.
  3. The filter options will slide in. Click on Lookup Rules
  4. Lookup Rules contains the various settings that can change by school organized by topic. Click on Fees

What are the options?

Number of Days: Number of days to pad the school year. The export will add this many days to the end of the school year and the same number of days before the school year to report on fees for that school year. This allows you to decide when to start/stop reporting on fees.

  • Default: 10
  • Other Options:
    • Any number you want -> This will be the number of calendar days, not in session days, as it is to work when school is out as well.

I have a school that wants different settings from the rest of the district

If you have different schools needing different settings you can do that as well. First set up the district default by changing the filters in the District row. That will become the default for all schools that are not overriding. Once that is done go to the school that needs different settings and click on Filters for that school. At the very top you will see "Use Settings From:". Change that to either "Do not link" to be independent, or if another school already has the correct settings you may also choose that school's abbreviation in the drop down and the 2 schools will be linked making one school use the other school's settings so you only need to make changes once.

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