Can I set a time where ParentHub doesn't bother me?

Is your organization sending you messages at times that aren't great for you to be receiving messages? You can set a time period where the application will not bother you. 

  1. Log into ParentHub
  2. Click on the Menu at the bottom
  3. From the Menu click on Settings
  4. Next click on Do Not Disturb
  5. Change your DND settings to what makes sense to you.
    1. Always notify me: This effectively disables the Do Not Disturb function and allows notifications to come through whenever they are sent.
    2. Do not disturb until further notice: No notifications until you change the setting. When you want notifications to resume you'll need to come back and change the setting again.
    3. Do not disturb me during these times: This option allows you to set a portion of each day to have notifications disabled such as when you are sleeping or when you are at work.
  6. Click Submit
  7. You will receive a confirmation saying that your changes have been saved
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