Using PowerSchool Templates

PowerSchool users have an additional template variety called Template PowerSchool. These templates are used to set defaults for lists created from current selections.

For information on the other template types see Using Templates for Defaulting Messages

Template PowerSchool

Let's say that you had 30 teachers in Adams Elementary School who are all using the BrightArrow system to send out emails and the Principal wants to receive a CC of all the emails that the teachers send out.  You could create a list entitled: Adams Template PowerSchool, and in that template list's Settings page put in the Principal's email address in the "CC" box as well as clicking on the names of all the teachers for whom this template applies.

Here is the bottom of the template list's Settings page:

By creating a template list that includes "Template PowerSchool" in its name, every time a new list is created by the teacher (which is done automatically from PowerTeacher or PowerTeacher Pro) these settings apply without any user intervention.  In fact, any list that is created from a PowerSchool selection (whether it be a teacher or administrator) will inherit the settings that you configure in the associated "Template PowerSchool" list.

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