How do I change the filters?

Changing filters is meant to be easy. The first thing to note is if you are on a shared server or not. On a shared server each building will be able to set their own settings since each building is treated as it’s own “district”. If you are not on a shared server then all settings are set by the district.

  1. Change to District Office (PSU if you are in North Carolina) within PowerSchool
  2. Go to System >  BrightArrow Settings
  3. Click on “Contact Filters” in the district line
    1. If you are on a shared server you can do this on your school line or even from your own school without going to district office
  4. Make your changes to the primary district filter
    1. You’ll notice there is a 2nd filter tab for an alternate filter method. More on that later
  5. When all your changes are done click Submit to save.
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