What settings changes require a plugin update?

You may have a custom data plugin to account for some custom fields you are using or maybe a custom calculation you have that we need to take account of. When you go into the filters section you may see that you have Custom Query using Legacy or Custom Query using Contacts selected. Or maybe you have a custom language entered. How do you know what changes you can make without needing a plugin update?

Language Field

If you have a custom language field and you need to change languages we'll need to update your plugin. If your language is not changing and this is the only custom setting then no plugin updated needed.

Custom Query using Legacy

This option indicates you have custom phone/email fields you are using. If you are changing those phone/email fields and are staying with legacy fields then we'll need to update your plugin

If you are switching from Legacy to Contacts you do not need a plugin update.

I've made a new custom phone/email field I want to start using

Yes, you need an update

We had been using custom fields but are now moving to contacts

No, you do not need a plugin update. Please let us know though as there are other things that will need to change.

We updated the base to version 9 but the data plugins are still version 6

You don't HAVE to have a plugin update if the data plugin is version 6.8.x. Earlier versions will need an update though and we recommend updates to version 9 for everyone. Staying on data plugin version 6.8 will continue to work, versions below 6.8 will have some new features that don't work properly.

Custom Query using Contacts

This option indicates you are using contacts but you have something unique about your query that required a customization for current selections. Starting in data plugin version 9 you no longer need this designation if the only thing that has changed is the language, we now have a separate way of doing that for current selections.

The "Use a custom filter" field is set to "Use Custom Filter" and the description in Custom Filter does not meet our needs.

Yes, you need a plugin update to change this filter. You can see what the custom filter is looking for in the text box below. If you toggle to Use Stock Filter you can see if the built in filters will now work for you and if so you don't need the custom query anymore.

The "Use a custom filter" field is set to "Use Stock Filter" and we want to change which contacts are used

No, you don't need a plugin update to change the filter. Simply change the filters below that field.

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