Installing the Plugins
Installing the plugins is not difficult, but it does require you have the correct permission to do so.
Video Demo:
The following demonstrates how to install the plugins
Steps to Install the Plugins
- Navigate to System > System Settings > Plugin Management Configuration
- If you can not get here you do not have permission to install. Stop and find someone who has permission or someone who can grant you permission
- Download the latest plugins
You may already have our plugins installed but may want to update to the latest versions. You may find and download the latest Base1 and Base 2 plugins directly.- Base 1 change history can be found here,
- Base 2 change history can be found here.
- Current Version for Download contains links to the latest versions. When you click it you will get a google page showing you the contents of the zip file. Download the zip file by clicking the down arrow
- Do NOT let your browser (I'm looking at you Safari) extract the files from the zip. The plugins are zip files, it's the format they must be in for PowerSchool to load them.
- If you need a data plugin update please contact support. Those are done on a school by school basis so can not be published for easy download.
- Even if the plugins already exist you may delete the existing version and then install the new one fresh. However if the plugin does exist you may also choose to update it by using the update button in the plugin definition screen. We'll get to that later. For now lets assume a new install method.
- Click the Install button at the top of the Plugin Management Configuration screen
- Choose the file to install
- Always start with Base 1 first. Base 1 must be installed and enabled before any other BrightArrow plugin as custom fields that are in that plugin must be enabled before pieces that are in Base 2 can see them.
- If you are using Chrome you can drag the plugin from the downloads bar at the bottom and drop it on top of the "Choose File" button. That will save you some time.
- Click Install when ready
- Enable the plugin
When you install a plugin you'll be taken back to the Plugin Management Dashboard screen. The Enable/Disable checkbox will be unchecked. Check that box to enable the plugin
- The screenshot above shows how you want it to be when you're done with both plugins
- Remember to enable Base 1 before even installing Base 2
- Confirm Enabling the plugin
When you check the box to enable a dialog will appear for you to confirm what you are enabling. It will also give you a brief summary of what was included in the plugin and a stock section on District Responsibilities basically saying PowerSchool assumes no responsibility for plugins.
- Click Enable
- Repeat 4 - 7 until all plugins are installed and enabled
What about updating plugins if I already have older versions?
If you already have plugins there are certain rules on if you can use the update button or if you must do a fresh install.
BrightArrow Base 7.x or earlier
Please discuss with support. Some extra steps were needed to convert from the old single base plugin to the new Base 1 / Base 2 setup.
BrightArrow Base 1
You may use the update button for all versions of this plugin
BrightArrow Base 2
You may use the update button ONLY if there are no localization changes. The basic rule is if the first 2 pieces of the version are the same for your current version as the new version then you may update. If they change you MUST delete the plugin and re-install fresh.
ex: Base 2 v9.0.0 to v9.0.2 -> Safe to update
ex: Base 2 v9.0.0 to v9.1.0 -> 9.0 != 9.1 therefore not safe to use the update button
BrightArrow Data
You may use the update button for all versions unless support tells you otherwise.
How to use the Update button
Reminder, it is always safe to delete and install fresh. The update button only works when PowerSchool handles all changes correctly, which it doesn't for localization tags. If you want to use the update button (and it is handy when it works) here are the directions
- Steps 1-3 from above are the same
- Find the plugin you are going to update
- Click the name of the plugin to go into the details page
- Click Update
- Steps 5-7 from above are the same
After I clicked Install a strange error screen appeared
Sometimes when you install or update a plugin you'll get this error
Navigate back to the Plugin Management Configuration screen and you'll be able to enable it from there. It's sort of a hiccup but generally not a big deal. Because this can happen it may be useful to bookmark the Plugin Management Configuration screen in the bookmark bar so you can simply click it and go back again.