Current Plugins Versions for Download

As of January 1, 2023 plugin versions will now be in YY.MM.DD format to allow you to know when the plugin was completed.

Plugins that are the same for all schools will be available for download here to allow you to update if you'd like. Please read the change history for each in case there are special instructions.

If you have a single base plugin instead of the Base 1 / Base 2 setup please email support so we can help you update as there are some special steps to take.

Directions for installing or updating plugins: Installing the Plugins

Please use the UPDATE feature in plugins, do NOT delete the plugin and install fresh. 

Branding BrightArrow Instant Connect*
Base Plugin 1
DB Extensions
No longer updated.
Delete and install BrightArrow version
Beginning with version 24.05.28 the navigation links are included in Base 2. If you have the old navigation plugin installed please delete it after installing this plugin or you will see 2 sets of links within the Enhanced UI. If your PowerSchool version is 22.12 or older then use the version plugin version found below.
Old PowerQueries removed since 24.02.19. If you are unsure if you use them it is advised to also install the retired queries
Base Plugin 2 - PowerSchool version 21.11 or later
Localizations, Web Pages, PowerQueries
No longer updated.
Delete and install BrightArrow version
Base Plugin 2 without Navigation Links V24. Use BrightArrow version
Retired PowerQueries
Old PQs no longer used. Removed from Base 2 available here to keep existing exports working
Use BrightArrow version

*Instant Connect plugins older than 9.2.0 will need to be deleted and the new versions installed fresh due to the publisher being changed from eSchoolView to LINQ, Inc. Once this is done you can resume updating normally.

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