Enabling DEM scheduling

We use Data Export Manager (DEM) to schedule exports because it is a lot more robust than any other method built into PowerSchool. All the tables, PowerQueries (PQ), database extensions (DBx), and built in data sources are available but permissions need to be set in order for you to be able to use it. Unlike DDE each source can be granted to a person separately. There are many permissions you may want to play around with so that each person can do as much or as little as they need, however for this article we will be talking about scheduling the exports.

By default a user can not schedule exports out of DEM or even see existing schedules. This permission has to be added to the user via Roles. But which roles have that option and how should you control it? 

Which role(s) can schedule DEM exports?

Navigate to System > Roles Administration > User Access and you'll see a screen with each of the roles that exist on your system and a brief summary of what they contain. By default the table only shows if the role is enabled or not so you may need to use Configure Table to show more settings.

  1. Click Configure Table
  2. Notice that the option to show who can schedule out of DEM is not checked. Also notice that the default label for that is "Scheduler Access" which sounds like a PowerScheduler permission, it's not.
  3. Change the short name from Scheduler Access to something that will relate to what it's actually for such as DEM Scheduler
  4. Check the box next to "User can set up and run scheduled system templates". You may want to show other items as well, check as many as you want.
  5. You can now see which roles can schedule out of DEM. You may already have a role that has it or may not. You may also want to add it to another role.

Best practices for which roles should be allowed to schedule

If you have a role that can schedule already you don't need to change a thing if you don't want to. But what if you don't have one set up already? Or what if you want to make sure you're truly secure with DEM? Here are some tips

  • Only have 1, maybe 2 roles that can schedule from DEM. Some schools add it to tons of roles but it should be enabled on very few.
  • Have a role just for DEM Scheduling. This role should have no other permissions except that it can schedule exports out of DEM. This way you can have a role that only shows counselor data sources or registrar data sources and allow all your users who need that to have that role. But only grant the ability to schedule exports to the few of those that need it. Roles build on top of each other so starting restricted and adding on allows for the most granular security.
  • If you are adding it to an existing role in addition to having own role then add it to a role that has Default Export Access AND Default Edit Access. Ideally there would only be 1 of these. A role that defaults both of those means it has access to all data sources in DEM, i.e. it's a super DEM user. This role should be used sparingly!!!

How to add DEM Scheduling to a role?

  1. Click on the name of the existing role or click New to create a new role
  2. If a new role then add a name and possibly a description then click submit. You can't edit the other tabs until you save the new role
  3. Click on the Export/Edit tab. This is the tab for all of the DEM permissions
  4. Click ONLY the box for "User can set up and run scheduled system templates"
  5. Submit your change

How to add a role to a user?

  1. Go to the staff search page
  2. Find the user you want to add DEM Scheduling to
  3. Click on Security Settings
  4. Click on Admin Access and Roles tab
  5. Under Roles and Schools click the pencil (edit) button for District Office
  6. Check the box for the role you want to ad
  7. Click OK
  8. Click Submit to save the changes
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