How to send a Voice Call

BrightArrow allows you to send messages via phone calls, text messages, emails, and even social media posts. In this article we'll be looking at how to create and send a recording as your outgoing phone call. 

Video Demo:

In this video we'll demonstrate how to record an outgoing message and send it.

Steps to creating an Recorded Voice Call

  1. Login to BrightArrow
  2. Find the list you want to send your message from and click on the list's name
  3. Click on New Message OR Edit Prior Message depending on if you are starting from scratch or starting from where you left off before.
  4. Check the box for Voice Call at the top to say you are trying to send an phone call. You may send other message types at the same time, but for Recorded Voice messages the Voice Call box must be checked.
  5. Voice Calls have 3 options. For a recorded voice message select Recorded Voice
    1. Text-to-Speech takes what you write as the outgoing message and the system reads it. This option also allows for translating into the contacts language if you are tracking that.
    2. Multi-Part Message allows you to use a recording for part of the message and inject mail merge fields which the computer reads for other parts. 
  6. Add the recording to the message. There are 4 ways of doing this:
    1. System Calls Your Phone: In this method our system will call whatever number you enter in the Phone Number box
      1. Enter a phone number in the Phone Number box
      2. Click Record Message
      3. Our system will call the phone number provided and prompt to record a message.
      4. After recording the system will prompt the person on the phone to review the message, this is highly recommended to make sure their wasn't any problem with the phone call.
      5. While this is happening a red message will show in the screen to let you know the call is in progress.
      6. Once the message has been recorded the red box will disappear and be replaced with a green box with the phrase Message Recorded Successfully to let you know the person who we called has finished recording.
    2. You dial into a telephone number: With this option we will provide 2 phone numbers located in 2 different parts of the country so that if one has a problem you can use the other.
      1. With your phone call one of the 2 phone numbers provided
      2. When prompted enter the unique values provided on the screen to let the system know what message you are trying to record to
      3. Our system will prompt to record a message.
      4. After recording the system will prompt the person on the phone to review the message, this is highly recommended to make sure their wasn't any problem with the phone call.
      5. While this is happening a red message will show in the screen to let you know the call is in progress.
      6. Once the message has been recorded the red box will disappear and be replaced with a green box with the phrase Message Recorded Successfully to let you know the person who we called has finished recording.
    3. Prior Messages: If you've already sent this message before and it was within the last year you can find the message in the Prior Messages screen and load it. If there was a recording in the prior message it will be loaded here.
      1. Scroll to the bottom of the window
      2. Click Prior Messages
      3. Find the message you wish to load
      4. Click load message
      5. The recording will be loaded into the current message
    4. Import Audio File: If you've saved a recording from before or if you recorded your message on your computer and want to upload it you can use this option instead of relying on the phone system to record the outgoing message. Some users have even added production such as background music to their outgoing messages before uploading them.
      1. Scroll to the bottom of the window
      2. Click Import Audio File
      3. Find the file on your device
  7. If you are also sending email or text add a message in the big white box.
    ** If you are only sending a phone call it is recommended to add a message in the white box anyways to make it easier to know what the recording is about. This does not need to be a transcript of the message, just a short description will due.
  8. Once your other messages are in check the outgoing Phone Call Settings
    1. Number of Retries, Minutes between Retries, and Dial Speed should be left alone unless support recommends changing them.
    2. Display this Number as Caller ID: Whatever number you put in here will be used as the caller ID. You may also use our 855 number if you wish to not use your own. How to Keep Contacts from Calling Back the Office
    3. Which Phones to Call for Each Contact: Here you will select how many phones per person we should try.
      1. Call specific numbers: Allows you to say only call Phone 2 or only call Phone 1 and Phone 2 for each contact
      2. Call all numbers: All every single number for each contact. If the person picks up when we call the 1st phone we'll still call the 2nd phone
        1. Use this for emergency calls!
      3. Try first and then onward until delivered: Use this option when you need the message to be delivered just once per contact. With this option the system will call the 1st phone number and if no one picks up and a voice mail message can't be delivered then it moves to the 2nd phone. But if the system can record a voice mail or if the person picks up then it will not move to the 2nd phone as it has delivered the message already.
        1. Good for when you need to send the message to someone but it's not an emergency
  9. If you want to schedule the message to go out in the future check the pre scheduled box and pick a date and time.
  10. Once all your settings are the way you want them save or send the message
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