Reports: Overview

The reports interface is a useful tool you can use to check things such as previously sent messages, search phone numbers / emails, check text opt-ins, view BrightChat logs (if enabled), and check why a certain recipient didn't receive their message. This is especially useful when you want to check if a parent didn't receive a call or text, or see the contents of a previous message, and find users who haven't opted in for texting.

Reports: Overview

To get to Reports, you can click Reports on the BrightArrow home page. Or, you can access the top left menu (3 lines) and click Reports from there.

When you open Reports, you'll be redirected to this screen:

Report Filter

You can change the start and end dates of your search by clicking the "Report Filters" button if you want to refine your results.

Reports Tab Options:

1. All Messages: 

  • You can navigate through the list by scrolling down to the desired time / date if you want to find a previously sent message.
  • If you select *All Messages* you can search for a contact name, phone, or email by typing it in the search box.

2. Monthly Totals

  • You can view your monthly totals for phone calls delivered / failed, emails delivered / failed, and SMS texts delivered / failed here.

3. Texting Opt Ins

  • You can use this to check Texting Invites and Responses AND Texting Invites with No Responses (using the dropdown).

4. BrightChat Logs (if enabled)

  • You can see all records of BrightChats here.

How to Search for a Phone Number, Name, or Email

1. On the Reports page, click on *All Messages*:

2. Type in a name, phone number, or email and hit search

3. You'll see all the results of messages that were sent to that specific name, email, or phone number.

How to Check Invalid Entries for Messages

If you had a teacher or parent mention that they did no receive a specific text or email that you had sent, you can check the report on the message to see why.

1. Open up the message from the Report list

2. Toggle ON "Show only invalid entries" 

3. This will populate any invalid results and show you specific reasons for why a message did not go through to a recipient

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