Low/Negative Balance messages

If your school charges for anything your students and staff may have a balance due. Perhaps they pre-pay into their account and you want to notify them when they're almost out of money? We can set up automatic reminders.

What we need to know to set up your balance reminders:

  1. District wide or separate by school? Most districts send 1 message district wide but some may want to change the wording based on which school the person is in.
  2. Students, Staff or Both? Lots of schools send balance messages to students/parents but it's also possible to send messages to staff if they keep a balance
  3. Does a balance of 0 count? We highly recommend against sending messages to people with a balance of 0 as that may just be a person who doesn't normally keep a balance
  4. What is the balance range? Anything less than 0? Greater than $0 but less than $15? You can have as many as you need.

Some schools set up 3 messages

  • Low balance (ex: <10 and >0)
  • Negative balance (ex: <0 and > -50)
  • Extreme Negative balance (ex: <-50)
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