How to Email a Generic Attachment

An attachment is generic when everyone in the contact list receives the exact same attachment. This is in contrast to an attachment that needs to be broken apart by contact. 
Ex: A flyer for an upcoming event is generic since it does not change based on the recipient.

Email a generic attachment can be done by:

  1. Go into the list you wish to send the attachment from
  2. Go into the message by either clicking New Message if you are starting from scratch or Edit Prior Message if you are starting from an existing message.
  3. Make sure “Email” is selected in Box 1
  4. In the message box check if Text Email is selected.
    1. If it is selected then toggle to HTML Email
    2. If HTML Email is already selected click “Edit HTML Email” from the message area.
  5. At the top left of the screen click the button labeled “Add Attachment”
  6. Click “Choose File” and navigate to the file you want to attach to your message. Click “Open” when you’ve selected it.
  7. The Attachment Link Name is what the user will click to download your attachment. You don’t need to give it a new name but it is recommended.
  8. To attach your file to the message click “Upload and Link”.
    1. If you decide against attaching the file you can click “Cancel” and the file will not be uploaded to the servers for sending.
  9. If you have more than 1 file to attach repeat steps 5-8 until all of your attachments are uploaded. 
  10. When you are done with all your changes click “OK” to save your message
  11. Whenever you send your message the link(s) to your attachment(s) will be at the bottom for the recipients to use.
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