Expanded Create Message Page

Over the summer of 2017 we introduced the Expanded Create Message page.  If you aren't already using it, we suggest you start using it as it provides a way of entering different length emails and text messages together as well as broader message support, particularly for multiple languages.

If you are still using the legacy Create Message Page, here is how you get into the Expanded Create Message Page:

  1. From inside any list, click on New Message or Edit Prior Message to get into the Create Message page.
  2. Near the bottom, on the right edge, click on the Expanded View button (see the red circle in the image below).

Note: If you want the system to automatically go to the Expanded Message page for your BrightArrow user or user group (thus bypassing the need to click on Expanded View each time), use the checkbox in the right top of the Expanded Message Page entitled: "Always use this expanded window."

Get into the Expanded Create Message page from the legacy Create Message

Making the Expanded Create Message page the default

Although you can switch over user-by-user as described above, if you would like us to change all your users and user groups to the Expanded Message page, please reply to this email and we will gladly do so.

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