Welcome to BrightArrow

Hello, we are excited to get your implementation done so we can show you what we can do together. Before we can move forward we have a few questions we need answered so we can get your basic setup done.

  1. What field do you want to use for language translations? We use this to allow you to send messages in family's home languages if desired. If not everything can be sent home in english.
    1. Parent/guardian language field: This field is used when sending to someone other than a student (parent, guardian). Many times this is a state reporting field which we can use so you do not need to double enter. If you do not have a field we have 2 provided. 1 is a 1:1 field which would assume all parent/guardians want the same language. The other is a field within contacts so that you can set a different language for each contact if you need to.
    2. Student language field: This is the language used when sending messages to the student themselves. This is separate from the parent language since there may be a reason the student should receive messages in a different language such as an english language learner who needs to practice reading messages in English. Most schools do not have a separate field for this but we do provide one for you to use which defaults to English but you can set to another language as needed if you wish.
  2. Legacy phone/email fields or contacts module?
    - Legacy refers to the 1:1 fields that we all used to make all the time for phone and emails. The default ones can be found on the demographics page of any student are are fields such as Mother Day Phone and Guardian Email.
    - Contacts module refers to the 1:many setup (1 student can have many contacts) found when you click the contacts link in a student record. 
    1. If the answer is legacy fields, do you have custom phone/email fields you need to include and if so what are they (table.field preferred). If you do not know but know what screen they are on and if we can log in ourselves we'll get the table and field information ourselves.
    2. If the answer is contacts we have a settings page where you will be able to choose which contacts you want and change your mind at any time. We'll default you to something unless you already know what you want in which case feel free to let us know.
    3. If you do not know but grant us access we will take a look at your data and make a suggestion
  3. Would it be possible for us to do the implementation directly? If you aren't comfortable having us log in that's ok, we can do it over a screenshare but if we can do it directly it does make it easier. You can also grant us temporary access and then disable our ability to log in until you need us again if that makes the most sense for your situation. For more information on what we'd need to be able to do you can read What access does BrightArrow need to manage the plugins
  4. Here are some features you may want to use to automate communication. Let us know if you would like any of the following (can be customized later on as well): 
  • Sending current day attendance notices (absent, tardy, both)
  • Sending reminders to teachers who haven't taken attendance today
  • Notifications about frequent absences or frequent tardies
  • Reminders about missing assignments
  • Weekly notifications about low grades (email only)
  • Low / negative / extremely negative balance reminders for students, staff, or both
  • Suspension / detention notifications
Thank you for choosing BrightArrow, we look forward to working with you. If you have any other ideas of things that would be helpful to your use let us know, we're always looking for ways to make it even more useful.
For more information on what takes place during implementation:
What is included in every integration?
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