Setting up the Course Enrollments Export

The course enrollments export is used to set up section lists for every section in the school. BrightChat users will benefit from this as the teacher portal normally only creates section lists from a current selection. This provides a way to set up semi-permanent lists for each section, ready to go whenever they are needed.

Setting up this extract is the easiest one we have. The PowerQuery only has the required fields, no optional fields, and they are numbered so that they show up in order.

Setting up Course Enrollments export

The export should be set up in DEM from District Office. For information on getting to DEM read Getting to Data Export Manager (DEM)

  1. Category = Additional Data Sets
  2. Export From = BrightArrow Student Course Enrollment
  3. Check the box next to "STUDENTS" to add all fields. The fields will be added in alphabetical order so we've added numbers before the name to force the order
  4. Click Next
  5. Click Next (no filter needed here)
    Note: Before the next section becomes editable the entire template must run. This is not a quick process and the larger your district the longer this will take.
  6. Export File Name = course_enrollments.txt
  7. Line Delimiter = CR/LF
  8. Character Set = UTF-8
  9. Click Save Template
  10. Name = BrightArrow - Course Enrollments
  11. Click Save as New
  12. Switch to the My Templates tab
  13. Find the row for the new template and click the calendar button to schedule this template. If you do not see the calendar button or the Scheduled System Templates tab you don't have permission to schedule exports. For more information on that read Enabling DEM Scheduling
  14. Days to Execute = Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun. These should be the days before school so if your school meets Sunday - Thursday then your exports would run Saturday - Wednesday. OR to make it easier you can just select all days.
  15. When to Execute = pick a time between 6 and 8 pm
  16. Send Output To = BrightArrow
  17. Email Completion Report To (optional) = your email or an email to keep a record of if the export and file transfer was successful or if it failed. 
  18. Click Save
  19. Your export will go at the scheduled time and day(s). To send a copy now so that we can get started setting up the import of the file you can click the Send Now button which looks like the Play button from DVD player
  20. Let us know that the file is ready so that we can set up your import
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