Changing the user interface

Over the lifespan of a product the user interface goes through many changes and BrightArrow is no exception. When we introduced a new interface we did not force people to move to it as some were not comfortable making the move at that time or just preferred the look they had gotten used to. But what are the different looks and how can you change yours?

Original Look

The original look started at the My Lists page and was entirely black text on a white background

The drop down menu at the top served as the way to get to special functions. Clicking on the list name put you in the list and you could see when a message was last sent from each list in the "Sent" column and when a message was updated on that list in the "Message" column. Hovering over either of these columns gives you not only the date but the time as well.

New Look

The next change was labeled "New Look" (real original). This one also starts at the My Lists page but the page now had a bit more color.

"Sent" was changed to "Message Sent" and "Message" was changed to "Messaged Changed" to make it more obvious. "List Updated" was also added as it's own column, previously that information was only available by hovering over the list name. The "Type" column gives symbols to signify if the list is a sync list, linked list or has multiple owners. Hovering over the list name reveals several more options such as list settings and send without going into the list and choosing from there. It also introduces folders which allow users to group lists in any way they see fit such as putting all attendance lists in 1 spot or all report emailing lists together for easy viewing.

Switching from Original to New Look

Switching from the original look to the new look is very simple.

  1. Go to the My Lists page
  2. In the drop down at the top select Change to new look which should appear near the bottom of the list (you may need to scroll)

Switching from New to Original Look

If you are on the new look and decide you want to go back to the original you can do that.

  1. Go to the My Lists page
  2. Click on the green "hamburger" menu in the upper left corner
  3. Near the bottom select Revert to original look

Switching from New Look to BrightView

BrightView is the name of our newest user interface. You can only get to BrightView from the New Look menu so if you would like to try BrightView first switch to New Look then to BrightView.

  1. Go to the My Lists page
  2. If you are on Original Look select Change to new look from the drop down menu
  3. Click on the green "hamburger" menu in the upper left corner
  4. Select Switch to BrightView

I don't have the BrightView option

The option to Switch to BrightView must be turned on for your account. If you do not see the option then it has not been requested for use. Currently BrightView is in Beta and because of this we work with customers directly on adding that option after making sure there is an understanding of what it means to be in Beta to reduce possible confusion later on.

What is different about BrightView?

BrightView is a major redesign of the interface. The first change is that BrightView no longer defaults to the My Lists page, now it defaults to BrightArrow Central which is a brand new dashboard. Colors have changed and all pages are getting a more modern feel. For more information go to the Introducing BrightView article.

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