What are Roster Settings?

The Roster Settings tab contains different options that you can change that will reflect on different exports. Previously these settings were in the PowerQuery and thus needed to be set in Data Export Manager. Due to how DEM works making changes was a bit painful so no one did it. By moving the settings here it allows you to make  adjustments very easily and the queries use these settings when they are run to make sure you get what you want.

  1. How many days before / after a student’s enrollment should the student be included in the roster
    This is used for the Roster exports if you are a BrightChat customer and is also used when looking up students for a teacher’s class. When a teacher selects a section or all sections to send a message to only students whose enrollments fall within the range set here will be included.** You may find it useful to set it to something like 14 days prior to enrollment for the beginning of the school year so teachers can get students before school starts, but it may become better to only let teachers see students 1 or 2 days before their enrollment once school is in session to prevent including students who have long lead times before joining a class mid year.
  2. How far back to include missing assignments
    Without some constraint missing assignments could be from the beginning of the year even when it’s the end of the school year. That’s not likely what you want. Here you can set how far back to look. Should it be the last 30 days? The beginning of the semester? Beginning of the trimester? This setting will work with the school/district wide exports out of DEM but will not affect the teacher pages yet. 4 options:
    1. Enter the number of days (calendar days, not in session days)
    2. Beginning of current semester
    3. Beginning of current trimester
    4. Beginning of current quarter
  3. Multi-day attendance settings
    These settings are for the various multi-day attendance exports out of DEM. Where appropriate settings for those are added here so that you don't need to go into the export and adjust, which can take time and may need to be done multiple times depending on your setup.
    1. Number of Tardies to convert to absences
      Some schools would like to count tardies as an absence after they have a certain amount. Use this if you'd like to include tardies into your absent count. For example if you need to count every 5 tardies as 1 absence you'd enter 5 and 1. Or maybe 5 tardies counts as 2 absences you'd enter 5 and 2. The queries will then use that when calculating the counts
      Ex: 5 tardies counts as 1 Absent
            5 tardies counts as 2 absences
    2. Days enrolled before counting in absent by % calculations
      The multi-day absent calculations that are based on the % of the time the student is absent are used to trigger a message when a student falls below a certain threshold of attendance. However if a student misses the first day they are already at 0% and even if they show up the following day they'll only be at 50%. This field is used to provide a gap before counting the student so that 1 absence doesn't count too much
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