What are the language options in the filter settings

BrightArrow offers the option to translate messages into other languages if you have that need. You may use a field you are already entering, such as a state field, you may use our field that comes with your plugins, or you may want to do a combination where the BrightArrow field is used only when the person wants to be contacted in a language different than the normal field's value. The filters allow you to declare which method you'd like to use and if a non-BrightArrow field is being used you can declare it so it will show up for users.

Where are the settings?

When you are in the filters area ( System > BrightArrow Settings > Click Filters ) you are presented with all the filter settings. The first tab is for filtering parent/guardian information and has a field labeled "Use Custom Language Field" here you will see the language setting used for both the default filters and the alternate filters since both address contacting parent/guardians.

On the Student Settings tab you will find a second copy of this drop down. You would use this if you want to use a field to store the language for contacting the student directly. By default students are contacted in English, use this if you need to contact them in other languages. 

What are the options?

There are 6 options:

  1. Legacy Language Field: A student level field, custom or stock, that contains the family language. Often a state field
  2. Contacts Language Field: A custom field in contacts that holds the language of that specific contact
  3. BrightArrow Legacy Language Field: Our custom student level field. The drop down is pre-populated with our language list
  4. BrightArrow Legacy Language Field as Override: Our custom student level field is only used to override your own field. This can be used when a parent doesn't want to use the language listed in the state field but for state rules reasons you can't alter the state value. The drop down is pre-populated with our language list and a blank option is the default so that by default it's ignored. Fill in the field means overriding your other field.
  5. BrightArrow Contacts Language Field: Our custom contact level field for controlling the language of a specific contact. The drop down is pre-populated with our language list
  6. BrightArrow Contacts Language Field as Override: Our custom contact level field for controlling the language of a specific contact but used to override your own field. This can be used when the state field is one value but one contact wants a different language but leaving the other contacts to use the state value. 

What is the other language field for?

If you select options 1, 2, 4 or 6 from the list above another language field will appear. This field is to allow you to list your language field. It's only used for your own information and does show up in the student screens to help users know where the language is coming from, but is not mandatory. Ideally you'd enter the field as Table.Field but entering at least the field gives some feedback. Putting something in this field does not make the plugin use it, it's only to help with the feedback loop and to provide a reminder of what field was used in your custom plugin.

How does it show up for users?

Within a student record you can go to BrightArrow Settings and you will see several settings. In the language section you will see Parent Language and Student Language. Depending on the option you've selected in the filter settings you will see either a field, a field with a message after it, or just a message saying which field is being used. Some examples below:

What if we are using the contacts option for language?

This option will be available shortly

What options require a custom plugin?

Any option where you are not using one of our fields alone will require a custom plugin. The rule is if the box to enter your language field shows up then you need a custom plugin.

What if I already have a custom plugin for our language but want to make a change?

Contact us. If you previously have had the custom field option and now would like to use our field to override we will need to update your plugin with that new logic. If you just want to change which field you are using or if you want to stop using your custom field and use ours instead, all of these changes require some change in your setup and we'll work with you on getting it exactly how you want it.

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