How to Change the Weekly Low Grade Filters

Minimum version: BrightArrow Base 2 v9.2.1

The weekly grade reminder filters allow schools to set up their own business logic for which grades are too low and deserve a reminder sent to the student and/or parent. The default settings can be set at the district level but each school can also set their own settings if they need something different. The recommendation is to set the default at the district that represents the most common settings and only change the individual buildings that need something different.

PowerQueries that use these filters

  • BrightArrow Grading - Search by Store Code - from Filter

Getting to the filter settings

  1. Navigate to Settings > BrightArrow Settings
  2. Click on Filters. If doing this from District Office then select the filters in the row corresponding to the district or specific school you wish to alter.
  3. The filter options will slide in. Click on Lookup Rules
  4. Lookup Rules contains the various settings that can change by school organized by topic. Click on Grading
  5. Find the Weekly Grade Reminder Settings section

What are the options?

Number of days at the beginning of the term to not send grades: How many days to allow for a student to get a grade before reporting. If a student gets a poor score on the only assignment the first day and the schedule is to send that evening do you want to send it anyways or wait until more data is available? The term in question is the storecode start/end dates, not the actual quarter/semester/trimester start end dates.

  • Default: 0
  • Other Options:
    • Any number -> That number of days from the start of the term before starting to send reminders of the grade status

Number of days at the end of the term to not send grades: How many days to at the end of the term to skip reporting. You may not want to send a notice on the last day of the term if report cards will be out in a few days. This allows for some padding if you wish. The term in question is the storecode start/end dates, not the actual quarter/semester/trimester start end dates.

  • Default: 0
  • Other Options:
    • Any number -> Stop including the grade if it's within this number of days from the end of the store code

Storecode must contain: Instead of listing all of the codes (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) you can simply select the first letter of the store code and all store codes that start that way will be included. The drop down will show all of your storecodes unique to your school within the last 365 days. If looking at district office then it will look district wide.

  • Default: None -> it will appear to select whatever the top value is until told otherwise but that is not stored until submitted and the PQ will not know to use it.
  • Other Options:
    • Any storecode you have

Grade Evaluation: How are the grades being checked for inclusion?

  • Default: Use Percent Range -> Find grades that are between a low and high percent
  • Other Options:
    • Use Letter Grade -> Find grades based on the letter they have, not percent
    • Use Percent and Letter Grade -> Find grades that are within a percent range and have a specific letter grade
      • Note: AND not OR

Only include when percent is within range: This will only show if Grade evaluation is not set to Use Letter Grade. Enter the low and high percent to include.

  • Default: 0 and 0
  • Other Options:
    • 1 and 75 -> Enter your own range. Keep in mind 0 might not be a problem if the student was exempt from everything so far, you may want to start at 1.

Letter grade must contain this (comma separate): This will only show if Grade evaluation is not set to Use Percent Range. Enter the possible letter grades to report on. If more than 1 separate with a comma.

  • Default: None
  • Other Options:
    • Enter any letter grade you wish.

Points Possible must be greater than 0: If there hasn't been any points possible should the grade be included? If not then points possible must be greater than 0

  • Default: True
  • Other Options:
    • Not Required: Include grades even if nothing has been scored yet

Min Matches: How many grades must meet requirements before counting

  • Default: 1
  • Other Options:
    • 2 - 12: Only include if there are 2, 3, 4 etc grades that meet the requirements.

    I have a school that wants different settings from the rest of the district

    If you have different schools needing different settings you can do that as well. First set up the district default by changing the filters in the District row. That will become the default for all schools that are not overriding. Once that is done go to the school that needs different settings and click on Filters for that school. At the very top you will see "Use Settings From:". Change that to either "Do not link" to be independent, or if another school already has the correct settings you may also choose that school's abbreviation in the drop down and the 2 schools will be linked making one school use the other school's settings so you only need to make changes once.

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