How to Change the Missing Assignments Reminder Filters

Minimum version: BrightArrow Base 2 v9.2.1

The missing assignments reminder filters allow schools to set up their own business logic for what is considered a missing assignment so that reminders can be sent to the student and/or parent. The default settings can be set at the district level but each school can also set their own settings if they need something different. The recommendation is to set the default at the district that represents the most common settings and only change the individual buildings that need something different.

PowerQueries that use these filters

  • BrightArrow Missing Assignments - from Filter
  • *BrightArrow Missing Assignments
    Will obey the "How far back to look for missing assignments" setting only

Getting to the filter settings

  1. Navigate to Settings > BrightArrow Settings
  2. Click on Filters. If doing this from District Office then select the filters in the row corresponding to the district or specific school you wish to alter.
  3. The filter options will slide in. Click on Lookup Rules
  4. Lookup Rules contains the various settings that can change by school organized by topic. Click on Grading
  5. Find the Missing Assignment Reminder Settings section

What are the options?

How far back to look for missing assignments: How far back to look for missing assignments. You can enter how many calendar days (not in-session days) or have it look back to the beginning of the current term.

  • Default: 45 days -> Look for missing assignments that were due within the last 45 days.
  • Other Options:
    • Any number of days -> Look for missing assignments that were due within the last N days.
    • Beginning of current semester -> Look for missing assignments that were due this semester through today (will not find assignments due in the future)
    • Beginning of current trimester -> Look for missing assignments that were due this trimester through today (will not find assignments due in the future)
    • Beginning of current quarter -> Look for missing assignments that were due this quarter through today (will not find assignments due in the future)

Only include if Missing is checked: Can the assignment be considered missing if the missing checkbox isn't checked? If so then this is true but if an assignment can be missing even with this off then toggle it to Not Required

  • Default: True -> Assignment must have the missing checkbox checked to count
  • Other Options:
    • Not Required -> Do not look at the missing checkbox for consideration, checked and unchecked both count

Only include if assignment has specific letter grade: If your school uses a letter grade to indicate a missing assignment such as M or maybe any assignment with no letter grade is considered blank then use this. If letter grades do not matter leave blank.

  • Default: None > Nothing in the box means ignore this setting
  • Other Options:
    • blank -> If the letter grade is blank then include it
    • M or any other letter grade -> If the letter grade is matches the letter listed then it is missing
  • SPECIAL: Comma separate values to include more than 1 letter grade option
    • ex: blank,M would mean if the letter grade is blank or M then it is missing

Only include if Absent is unchecked: If the Absent checkbox is checked should the assignment still be considered missing? If an assignment can have the Absent checkbox checked and still count as missing then this is Not Required. But if the Absent checkbox should disqualify this from the reminder messages then set to True.

  • Default: True -> Do not include the assignment if the Absent checkbox is checked
  • Other Options:
    • Not Required -> Do not look at the Absent checkbox for for consideration, checked and unchecked both count

Only include if Collected is unchecked: If the Collected checkbox is checked should the assignment still be considered missing? If an assignment can have the Collected checkbox checked and still count as missing then this is Not Required. But if the Collected checkbox should disqualify this from the reminder messages then set to True.

  • Default: True -> Do not include the assignment if the Collected checkbox is checked
  • Other Options:
    • Not Required -> Do not look at the Collected checkbox for for consideration, checked and unchecked both count

Only include if Exempt is unchecked: If the Exempt checkbox is checked should the assignment still be considered missing? If an Exempt can have the absent checkbox checked and still count as missing then this is Not Required. But if the Exempt checkbox should disqualify this from the reminder messages then set to True.

  • Default: True -> Do not include the assignment if the Exempt checkbox is checked
  • Other Options:
    • Not Required -> Do not look at the Exempt checkbox for for consideration, checked and unchecked both count

Only include if Incomplete is unchecked: If the Incomplete checkbox is checked should the assignment still be considered missing? If an assignment can have the Incomplete checkbox checked and still count as missing then this is Not Required. But if the Incomplete checkbox should disqualify this from the reminder messages then set to True.

  • Default: True -> Do not include the assignment if the Incomplete checkbox is checked
  • Other Options:
    • Not Required -> Do not look at the Incomplete checkbox for for consideration, checked and unchecked both count

Only include if Late is unchecked: If the Late checkbox is checked should the assignment still be considered missing? If an assignment can have the Late checkbox checked and still count as missing then this is Not Required. But if the Late checkbox should disqualify this from the reminder messages then set to True.

  • Default: True -> Do not include the assignment if the Late checkbox is checked
  • Other Options:
    • Not Required -> Do not look at the Late checkbox for for consideration, checked and unchecked both count

Only include if assignment has earned 0 points: Can the assignment be considered missing if the teacher has entered points into the score? If not then set this to True, but if an assignment can have points awarded and still be missing then set this to Not Required.

  • Default: True -> Do not include the assignment if the teacher has awarded points
  • Other Options:
    • Not Required -> Do not look at points awarded for the assignment when considering if an assignment is missing

I have a school that wants different settings from the rest of the district

If you have different schools needing different settings you can do that as well. First set up the district default by changing the filters in the District row. That will become the default for all schools that are not overriding. Once that is done go to the school that needs different settings and click on Filters for that school. At the very top you will see "Use Settings From:". Change that to either "Do not link" to be independent, or if another school already has the correct settings you may also choose that school's abbreviation in the drop down and the 2 schools will be linked making one school use the other school's settings so you only need to make changes once.

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