Closing and Reopening a BrightChat Conversation
So you want to close a BrightChat? It's really easy to close and even reopen conversations through BrightChat. All it takes is a few clicks on your end to end a conversation and keep your active chats organized. This comes in handy when you want to ensure that you're only looking at active chats and previous chats that are no longer needed are labeled properly.
Let's say you have a conversation with a parent and finish chatting. You can go ahead and close it. If you ever need to open the chat again, all it takes is a few clicks to reopen the conversation and start sending again.
A few things to note:
- Closed conversations are read-only unless reopened.
- A BrightChat may only be closed by the person who initiated it.
- Once a conversation is closed, it will no longer appear in the app’s Active BrightChats list.
Note that you may only reopen conversations in the web interface.
(Website) Closing and Reopening Chats
1. To close or open a conversation, click the power icon on the bottom left-hand side of the conversation.
2. After clicking on this icon, you will be asked to confirm whether you want to open or close the conversation.
3. Once a conversation has been closed, it will appear in the Active BrightChats list with “ — CLOSED” appended to the name.
- When you initiate a BrightChat, we CC you in that message. So, to close a BrightChat, you can navigate to the Messages page and select the BrightChat initial message. There will be a “Close BrightChat” button, and you will be asked to confirm.
Another way to close a BrightChat is to open the conversation and click the group info button in the top righthand corner. Here, the initiator will have a button to close the BrightChat.