Grouping lists

The My Lists page shows you all the lists that you have access to. Over time this can get large and it can be helpful to group lists together by topic so you can easily find them later on. The folder feature allows you make groups of lists however you want. Everyone starts out with 1 folder that is named Favorites (you can rename it to whatever you want) but you can also make more folders.

Renaming a folder

Renaming an existing folder is fairly simple

  1. Hover over the folder name
  2. Click on the box with a pencil in it to edit
  3. A popup appears. Enter the new name of your folder / group in the box
  4. Click Update

Note: You can not change the name of the user folders, those are forced based on the User/Group name in user settings. Only custom folders can be edited

Creating a new folder

You may want more than 1 folder to group your lists. If you want more you can add them.

  1. Click on "Select an Action" in the upper left to display the menu options
  2. Click on Create a Folder
  3. A dialog box appears. Enter the name of your new folder
  4. Click Add

Adding lists to a folder

You may add a list to a folder in 2 ways

  1. Drag the list to the desired folder
  2. Click the Star in the list row
    1. Hover over the list you want to add to the folder
    2. Click the Heart to Add to Favorite
    3. If you only have 1 folder it will go right in
    4. If you have move than 1 folder you will need to specify which one and click OK
    5. Your list will now also appear in the new folder. Lists within folders can be rearranged as well.

I moved my lists into folders but they still show up in the original group

Adding a list to a folder does not move it, it only adds a reference to it. The list still resides in the original location however the folder makes finding similar lists easier.

Ex: A school district may have 10 schools. Each school has it's own attendance list. Instead of finding each attendance list for each school anytime you need to, you may add them to a folder called Attendance and make it easier to find attendance related lists.

I don't need the group / folder anymore, how do I get rid of it?

Hover over the folder and click the trash can:

I put a list in the wrong folder, how do I get rid of it?

Hover over the list within that folder and click on the Heart icon to deselect it

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