Creating a Superset List

What is a superset list?

A superset list is a list that is composed of multiple lists. Superset lists are useful for situations where you want to send a single message to multiple groups of people or you may want to call several lists but in a single dial action.

Ex: a school may have a middle school list, a junior high list, and a high school list.  Rather than dialing all three separately, one superset list can be created to encompass all three lists.

Creating a superset list

  1. Check the boxes next to the source lists that already have the data you need. This can be a sync list, another linked list, or an independent list.
  2. Click on "Select an Action" on the top left to show the options
  3. Select Create a superset list from the options
  4. Give your new list a name
  5. Leave the 2 checkboxes at the top alone. Those are the correct settings 99.999999% of the time.
    1. Keep linked To Source List: means when the source list is updated update this list as well. You would only uncheck that box if you were trying to make a list that was static and didn't get changes over time. Schools may do this before roll over to keep a copy of the previous school year's data before roll over. Nearly 100% of the time leave this box checked.
    2. Derived list's enabled contact state matches the Source List means if you disable a contact in the source list it gets disabled in this new list too. So if you are trying to send a message from the source list and you unselect someone so that they don't get the message they'll be unselected in this list as well. Nearly 100% of the time leave this box unchecked.
  6. You can add and remove source lists from the box by clicking
  7. Once you have all the lists you displayed in the box select OK. The first time the list is made it may take a few minutes, but after it's made all the changes will happen in the background without anyone noticing.
  8. Once the list is done being created you will see the list in the My List page. Notice that the list has the word (superset linked) at the end that you did not enter, this is automatic letting you know this list is linked to another list.

Help, my changes are gone!

If you make manual changes to the data in the superset those changes will be overwritten once any of the source lists are changed. So if your source list is a sync list then when that list is synced again it will update the superset and overwrite your manual changes.

To keep changes you'll want to update the source which is either the source list that is not a (sync) list OR the system that we are syncing too such as a google spreadsheet or your student system.

I need to add/remove a list to my superset

If you need to edit your superset list by adding or removing a list, you can do so by navigating to the selected superset list. 

1. Go into List Settings.

2. Click on "Edit Superset List" at the bottom of List Settings

3. Edit your Source Lists as needed.

4. Click OK to save.

How can I see what lists are included in my superset list?

If you need to view what lists are in your superset list by, you can do so by navigating to the selected superset list. 

1. Go into List Settings.

2. Click on "Edit Superset List" at the bottom of List Settings.

3. View the Source Lists to see what lists are used.

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