Making an Ad Hoc Subset List

When you want to create a subset list by selecting individuals instead of using a subset criteria, we call this "making an ad hoc subset list." This is useful especially when you want to use an existing list but you'd like to filter out contacts you'll only want to use.

Creating an Ad Hoc Subset List

1. Check the box next to the list you'd like to copy.

2. From the "Select an Action" menu, select "Copy a List"

3. Don't change any of the list settings, but give your copy a new name. Then click OK

4. In the new linked list it created, go into that list and unselect everybody, then select just those members you want to be in the list. (Note: Don't remove/delete the unselected students as their unselected names are the "placefillers" to make sure they remain disabled.)

5. You can hide those students not to include by clicking on the "Hide Disabled Contacts."

Taking this approach any changes in phones/email update in the list. Also, you can temporarily uncheck "Show Only Enabled Contacts" if you want to see others in order to add more to the list (or just unchecked them -- don't delete them -- to remove them from the list).

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