List Details

When you select a list, you'll be directed into its details which we call "List Details." You have multiple options you can select here and we will explain to you what these options are below:

  • Create Message: This option will allow you to create a new message. If you already have a message for your list, make sure to hit Edit Message to resume.
  • Edit Message: This option will allow you to resume your prior message. 
  • Start BrightChat: If you have this add-on, you'll be able to start a BrightChat with this list of contacts using this options.
  • Import/Export: This will allow you to import a csv file to add the data to your list. You can also use this option to export the contacts on this list to a csv file.
  • List Settings: This will expand to a multitude of options when it relates to list access (admin only), disabling deleting the list, CC and settings related to texts, calls, emails, emergencies.
  • Send Message: This will send the message you have composed for this list.
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