Getting Set Up: Administrators, Staff, Faculty Members

Getting set up on BrightChat is very simple, especially if you already have an account. For admin, staff, and faculty members, just log into your normal BrightArrow account either on the web or on mobile and you'll have access to BrightChat. You'll see it as one of the options on your home screen. (See more details in the documentation titled Starting a BrightChat)

(Website) For Admin, Staff, and Faculty

1. Visit to log into your account. (Note that your constituents will not be able to log into the web version, and must use the app. Later in this documentation, we will describe how a constituent would create their account.)

2. You'll be able to access BrightChat directly through your home page.

(Mobile) Downloading the App

1. Start by downloading the “BrightArrow Mobile 2.1” app in the App Store or Google Play Store. (see How to Create an Account in documentation for more details)

2. Any members of your organization, such as employees, teachers, staff members, and administrators, should use their BrightArrow account — they should not create a new account within the app, but just log in with their existing account.

3. Your constituents should create their own accounts by clicking on “Don’t have an account? Join Now” (again note that this feature is not for staff members and will result in a receive-only account). See more details in the documentation How To Create An Account (For Receivers) 

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