BrightArrow Technologies Knowledge Base
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Using BrightArrow
Common questions and support documentation
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Using BrightArrow
Information on how to use BrightArrow
Email Whitelisting
Short Code Text Messaging FAQ
Creating a Subset List
My List Page
New User and Refresher Training
Creating Email Templates
Email Server Whitelisting / IP Addresses List
Creating a New Message
How to create users the manual way
Using DKIM for more reliable email
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Information on using ParentHub
Delete a ParentHub Account
Push Notifications are not showing even though I'm subscribed
Create a ParentHub Account
About ParentHub
What does the Subscribe to notifications option do?
Logging into ParentHub
Can I get messages in a language other than English?
Change My Password
Can I set a time where ParentHub doesn't bother me?
I forgot my Password
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What is BrightChat
Starting A BrightChat
Getting Set Up: Administrators, Staff, Faculty Members
BrightChat Features
How to Create an Account (For Receivers)
Group and Private Conversations
How to Merge Parent/Teacher Accounts
Using BrightChat Demo for Android
Active BrightChats
BrightChat Logs
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Current Plugins Versions for Download
Setting Up Report Emailing
Setup sFTP on a PowerSchool Server
Welcome to BrightArrow
Installing the Plugins
Emailing a PowerSchool Report
Current day attendance notifications
Using Contact Filters
Other automations you may be interested in
Plugin Change History: Base Plugin 2 - Localization, pages, PowerQueries
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Feature Demo in PowerTeacher and PowerTeacher Pro
How can I edit my contact information?
How To Manually Build Rosters in PowerTeacher
Section Header Row is Not Aligned Correctly
Blackbaud Authorization
What information is loaded by BrightArrow from Blackbaud Education Management Solutions?
What is the All Students: Parent Info (sync) List?
What is the All Staff (sync) List?
What is the Emergency Contacts (sync) List?
What is the Attendance (sync) List?
What is SSO?
What is the All Students: Student Info (sync) List?